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Chapter 02

Horror Theatre

Adolf Puppet


The events in this story take place after those in Chapter 1: Anton Puppet.

It is not necessary to read the story before this one to understand it and have a good experience.

In stories told by the acts of a show, victims are turned into puppets and forced to perform. 


Act I: New in Town

"Submit to my will."


              Adolf, the evening teacher at the swimming school where he works, claps his hands and announces to his students that the evening class is over. Some students leave immediately and others shower before going. After all the students have left, as usual, Adolf goes to take a shower before going home.

              In the locker room, while pulling on his clothes  after showering, Adolf receives a notification on his cell phone. t's his boyfriend Jorge, warning him that he is very horny and is in front of the school waiting for him.

              Adolf smirks with surprise and quickly finishes getting dressed, already thinking about the fun night he will have with his boyfriend.

              Adolf leaves the locker room and anxiously crosses the pool area towards the lobby, where he sees Jorge smiling behind the gate. After a quick farewell to the doorman, the couple leaves, talking and walking through the city’s dark streets towards Adolf's house.

              Along the way, Adolf and Jorge pass in front of a tent adorned with a large sign announcing a puppet theatre that has just arrived in town. In front of the tent, a man in black clothes leans against a ticket booth. This man looks interestedly at Adolf's muscular body.

              Jorge is curious about the show and nudges Adolf, pointing toward the sign. Adolf looks around and notices that, despite the large sign in front of the tent, there are no other people around, and he mockingly insinuates that nobody is interested in seeing that kind of silly thing nowadays. Jorge chuckles falsely, half agreeing but slightly embarrassed, and then the couple goes on their way. At the side of the booth, the man's eyebrows furrow, and his eyes follow the couple until they turn the street. A wide wicked smile spreads slowly over the man's face.

              The couple continues their walk. After some time, small sheets of paper begin to fall from the sky in front of them, making both men immediately look up in an attempt to discover the paper’s origin. The couple is surprised to notice a peculiarity above them: a sky covered with a light reddish haze.

              Adolf's eyes scan the top of each nearby building that he’s able to make out through the fog, but he doesn't find anything that can justify the papers that fell in front of him. When he turns his gaze to his boyfriend, Adolf sees him picking up one of the papers from the floor: a flyer about the puppet theatre that has arrived in town. Jorge is still interested in the theatre and shows Adolf the flyer. Adolf shakes his head, preferring to spend time with his boyfriend doing other things.


Act II: Red Dawn

"Strings of fate dance at my fingertips."


              The couple arrives at home and begins to make out right at the entrance. They drop their things in the hallway and head towards the bedroom. After a fun night of sex, Adolf, bothered by the cold coming from the window, closes and locks the window of his room and lays down next to his boyfriend in bed. They both lie down and watch TV until they fall asleep.

              Just before dawn, a pair of glowing red eyes appears behind the glass window of the room. The eyes look towards the bed, then disappear amid a Red Mist that gradually becomes more and more dense. From the midst of this fog, the silhouette of a hand approaches the window and touches it, as if it were trying to silently lift the glass. The owner of that hand notices that the window is locked and withdraws his hand. Then, surreptitiously, a thin bit of Red Mist starts to trickle through the small gaps in the window, when suddenly the alarm clock on Jorge's cell phone rings, waking the couple up.

              At the sound of the alarm clock, as Adolf and his boyfriend wake up and rub their eyes, the fog begins to lift. Adolf groans before he gets out of bed, as he doesn't usually get up so early, but he understands that his boyfriend needs to leave early that morning to go home to get ready to go to work.

              While Jorge walks to the bathroom, Adolf walks towards the window and opens it to let in some fresh air and admire the beautiful sunrise.

              Jorge sits on the toilet and looks at the bathroom door. Embarrassed for his boyfriend to see him at a time like this, he locks the bathroom door.

              As he watches the dawn light grow stronger, Adolf begins to make out handprints on the windowpane. Curious, Adolf puts his face close to the glass, slides his finger over the handprint. Immediately realizing that the mark was made from the outside, he takes his cell phone from the bedside table next to the bed and calls the neighborhood guard.

              Finished, Jorge gets up from the toilet and opens the bathroom window to air out the room. When he opens the window, he sees the same fog that he saw in the street sky on the way to Adolf's house. Despite being curious, he ignores the fog and turns on the shower.

              Adolf hears a sound coming from the bathroom, as if something heavy has fallen to the floor, and he runs to the bathroom door. Through the door, Adolf hears the sound of the shower running and water splashing on the floor. When he tries to open the door, Adolf is surprised to find that the door is locked. Confused, Adolf knocks on the bathroom door, trying to find out if everything is okay.

              Jorge opens the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his waist and wet hair, and Adolf immediately asks his boyfriend about the sound he heard coming from the bathroom.The answer he got was the most obvious: a simple slip in the bath water.

              With his eyes fixed on Adolf, Jorge starts walking towards his boyfriend, and Adolf grins pervertedly. But before he can touch him, the bell rings: it's the guard coming to answer Adolf's request for help. Adolf asks Jorge to get dressed and runs to answer the door.

              After looking around the outside of the house, Adolf and the guard enter the house to examine the inside. Adolf sees Jorge dressed and sitting in the living room waiting for him, so he warns Jorge that if he doesn't leave immediately he will be late for work. Jorge gets up and leaves, waving bye while Adolf and the guard examine the inside of the house.


Act III: Below the Nose

“Have your breakdown. I like to watch.”


              That evening, Adolf finishes giving another class at the swimming school where he works. As usual, after all the students have left, Adolf takes a shower in the locker room bathroom and leaves.

              When Adolf arrives at the entrance, he says goodbye to the doorman and then sees Jorge smiling behind the gate. Jorge immediately greets Adolf while holding the puppet theatre flyer in one hand.

              Confused that this time Jorge did not message him to let him know he was waiting, Adolf questions Jorge about how long he has been there. Not caring much about Adolf's question, Jorge raises the arm that is holding the flyer. Very excitedly, walks through the gate towards Adolf while inviting him to go watch the show that night. Uncomfortable, Adolf reinforces that he is not interested in going to the theatre.

              Adolf, Jorge, and the doorman see more flyers falling from the sky behind the gate, and after a few seconds watching the flyers fall in silence, a red mist starts to thicken and fall from the sky towards the gate. Adolf takes a startled step back then hears a demonic laugh. The red mist expands through the gate and covers the gatekeeper completely, making him immediately fall to the ground, unconscious.

              Adolf's heartbeat quickens and his pupils dilate. More devilish laughter erupts through the red mist. Adolf pulls Jorge by the arm and feels his muscles straining with the urgency of the arm pull. The couple breaks into a run and crosses the swimming pool area. Adolf looks back and sees the fog spreading across the area behind them, and in the midst of the fog, he sees the silhouette of a man with glowing red eyes calmly walking towards him.

              Realizing that the whole place will be covered by that strange red mist in a short time, Adolf remembers that the locker room has doors and runs there, pulling his boyfriend along.

              Adolf and Jorge finish crossing the pool area and arrive at the locker room. The couple goes through the door and Adolf slams it shut behind them, propping his body behind it. While catching his breath, Adolf asks Jorge to call for help on his cell phone.

              Jorge, apparently unconcerned with the whole situation, lifts the flyer again and tries to invite Adolf to watch the show. Completely confused, Adolf widens his eyes in surprise and declines the invitation again with a startled nod. Jorge's eyes start to glow red. Panicked, Adolf tries to question Jorge about what's going on. Jorge pulls Adolf away from the door and opens it, then immediately pushes Adolf out and locks him in a tight embrace from behind.

              Adolf looks out and sees the fog approaching, then twists his neck to look back towards Jorge. His stomach drops in fear as he watches his boyfriend shape-shift, taking the form of some sort of creature made out of that same red mist that was chasing him.

              Adolf freaks out and begins to flail, trying to free himself from the creature's arms, but his effort is futile. The red mist finally reaches Adolf, covering his body completely.  The creature holding Adolf dissipates amid the mist that increasingly fills the environment. Now released from its strong grip, Adolf starts screaming for help and running aimlessly through the fog in the hope of being able to see something and understand what was happening.


Act IV: Puppet Dance

“Beg me for mercy.”


              After so much running, Adolf finally sees a light. This light gives Adolf a glimmer of hope, which makes him immediately run towards this light. The closer he gets to this light, the less dense the fog seems to get.

              Adolf finally crosses the edge of the fog and screeches to a stop, realizing that he is facing an audience of creatures identical to the one that was holding him a little while ago. He looks around anxiously and discovers that he is standing ona theatre stage with a little puppet theatre sitting on one side of it.

              Adolf takes two fearful steps back before he hears footsteps that aren’t his. As he turns back to see who’sthere, Adolf sees the silhouette of the red-eyed man approaching, and his face becomes more and more visible as dark laughter resounds all over the stage. Suddenly, Adolf recognizes the man's face: it’s the man in the black clothes who was propped up next to the ticket booth! Adolf backs away from the man until he feels his feet reach the edge of the stage.

              The mysterious man removes his blazer and walks towards the little puppet theater in front of Adolf.With a perverted smile, he puts his hand behind the little stage. The man's hand begins to move as his fingers open and close repeatedly, as if his hand is imitating a talking hand puppet.

              Adolf watches, startled and confused, until the mystery man's fingers finally point directly at him, and, amidst the sound of the man’s creepy laughter, the red mist at the back of the stage begins to move towards Adolf. Adolf turns in the opposite direction to run, but his hopes are dashed when he sees red mist coming from every other direction. Adolf sees no choice but to try and plead with the man not to harm him as the red mist expands throughout the place and completely envelops Adolf.

              Fully immersed in the red mist again, Adolf feels his limbs go numb and his body begins to float. Adolf's eyes go wide as his clothes dissipate into the fog, and the mysterious man with glowing red eyes approaches, smiling.

              Horror floods Adolf's body as he feels his legs being quickly absorbed by his body, leaving his dick dangling below him. Against his will, his arms are twisted into an open posture, and, one after the other, they begin to decrease in size disproportionately to his body. Adolf stares with wide, shocked eyes at his arms – once long and muscular, they continue to shrivel and shrink, becoming shorter and shorter as his fingers begin to melt into one other, forming a fleshy mitt separated from his thickening thumb.

              And then Adolf feels his back peel open, expanding to the sides of his defined abdomen, and his butt begins to migrate, repositioning itself as the base of his new body while his anus expands dramatically, becoming very wide and flexible. Adolf watches helplessly as his big dick and big balls sway below him as they begin to shrink, dwindling until they’re disproportionately small to his new body.

              Adolf tries to scream, but just as he realizes he has lost control of his own mouth, he immediately feels his jaw begin to change shape.His mouth, now unsupported, drops open helplessly as his neck thickens. Adolf's large chest bulges forward, and  his entire body begins to dwindle, his torso shrinking to be disproportionately small below his bobbling, wide-mouthed head, and his arms shrinking to look disproportionately short on his already-small torso.

              The red-eyed man raises his hand, and Adolf feels himself begin to spin through the mist towards the man's outstretched arm, until he reaches it and slides smoothly into the receiving fist. Adolf feels his body being penetrated through his anus by the red-eyed man's hand and screams internally. Then, with his other hand, the man reaches up to grip Adolf's body and tugs him down further.

              Adolf's eyes roll down to watch the man’s hand penetrate him deeper. He can feel the fist sliding up through his new disproportionately thick neck until the hand's fingers reach his newly misshapen jaw.

              Adolf rolls his eyes towards the mystery man. Feelings of fear and helplessness pierce Adolf as he sees the man staring back at him with a perverted smile on his face. Adolf wonders what that man will do to him in this new small, motionless form.

              The red-eyed man has fun watching the new stupid expression on Adolf's face.He stares down at Adolf and proceeds to open and close his hand inside him, making his mouth move. He turns to the audience of creatures and starts to play with him.

              Adolf looks out at the audience of creatures laughing at him. It’s such a degrading scene: here he is on stage, completely exposed, with a man’s fist up his ass and his mouth opening and closing as his body moves from side to side, dick flopping uselessly. Then suddenly, amidst the crowd, Adolf realizes that there is a creature staring directly at him with a hand puppet stuck in one of its hands. Adolf looks more attentively and he’s struck with a sudden horrific realization.

              The hand puppet has Jorge's face.

              Adolf finally understands. Like his boyfriend, he's been turned into a ridiculous hand puppet. And his humiliation is far from over: he's going to be used to put on ridiculous shows like this again and again and again.

Cowritten by Krynshar and nowvoyager64

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